Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 6th of July! We had a wonderful vacation up north. We spent most of it at the beach.  There really is no place like a Michigan beach. V and my brother got to go surfing.  I didn’t even know you could go surfing in Michigan, but you can! There is even a surf shop. I don't have a lot of pictures because I got a new phone over the weekend and not all my photos updated with the new phone.

We skipped the fireworks this year in favor of having a low key BBQ at my aunts WAY out in the country. Apparently, there is no better way to celebrate being American than with a BBQ and some gun fire. I have never shot a gun in my life. I knew I would end up being one of those people that shoots their foot off. Turns out I didn’t, and I’m a pretty decent shot with a 22 revolver (or something like that), not so much with a 9-something (I learned a lot, hu?). Also, this picture was before I was told I was shooting like a girl, I now properly stick my butt out, not my pelvis.

Before we left for vacation we bought a fish. A, of course, named him Batfish. Batfish, is also a girl. I was so worried that she wouldn’t survive us being gone, but I did a bunch of research on how to keep a beta fish alive during a vacation and I am happy to say Batfish is alive and well!